Active Alerts:
What is it?
The Cowichan Regional FireSmart Resiliency Program is designed to help homeowners and communities reduce the risk of wildfire damage. Wildfires are a natural occurrence, but they can also be devastating to homes, businesses, and communities. In recent years, the frequency and intensity of wildfires have increased, making it more important than ever to take steps to protect ourselves and our properties.

The New 2025/26 Rebate Program

Our 2025/2026 FireSmart Home Owner Rebate Program launched on March 19, 2025. Go here for full details.

The FireSmart program is based on research and best practices in wildfire mitigation. It provides practical information and resources to help individuals and communities reduce the risk of wildfire damage. FireSmart focuses on three key areas: vegetation management, home construction and resiliency, and community planning and preparedness.

By implementing FireSmart principles, homeowners and communities can reduce the likelihood of a wildfire spreading to their property and increase their resiliency against wildfire, and improve their chances of surviving a wildfire. The program is a collaborative effort between government, industry, and individual citizens, and it is an important step towards building more resilient communities in the face of a changing climate. Act now to reduce the risk of wildfire damage and protect the Cowichan area.

“The most compelling reasons for people to get involved in FireSmart are to save lives, protect the backcountry, and protect private property.”

- FireSmart BC
Current Burning Permissions
Open burning—or burning outdoors—is allowed when the wildfire risk is low and can be a useful tool when conducted responsibly. Open burning includes Category 1 campfire, Category 2, and Category 3 open fire.
Regional Water Use Restrictions
During drought conditions, your water system operator may introduce water use restrictions to conserve limited water supplies. There are four stages of water restrictions which are coordinated across the Cowichan Valley. Local conditions may sometimes require a higher stage of water restrictions on certain systems.
No Restrictions
Stage 1 Restrictions
Stage 2 Restrictions
Stage 3 Restrictions
Stage 4 Restrictions